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Nearest Equivalent Steel Strip Specifications

British BS American German D.I.N
A.S.T.M S.A.E Mat. Des. Wk. No.
BS 2870:1980 B248: 1983 1777/1780/17670
CZ107 B36: 1987 C26800 CuZn37 2.0321
PB102 B103: 1986 C51000
PB103 CuSn6 2.1020
NS106 B122: 1986 C75200 CuNi18Zn20 2.0740
CB101 B194: 1987 C17200 CuBe2 2.1247
BS 5770: Pt 2: 1981

A680: 1981


CS50 A682: 1977 G10500 1050
CS60 A682: 1977 G10600 1060 C60(CK60) 1.0601(1.1221)
CS70 A682: 1977 G10700 1070 C67(Ck67) 1.0603(1.1231)
CS80 A682: 1977 G10800 1080
CS95 A682: 1977 G10950 1095 Ck101 1.1274
CS735M50 50CrV4 1.8159
BS 5770: Pt 3: 1981


CSHT70 C67(Ck67) 1.0603(1.1231)
CSHT95 Ck101 1.1274
BS 5770: Pt 4: 1981

A480: 1984


301S21 A167: 1987 S30100 X12CrNi177 1.4310
302S25 A167: 1987 S30200
316S16 A167: 1987 S31600 X5CrNiMo1810 1.4401
420S45 A176: 1987 S42000

Nearest Equivalent Spring Wire Specifications

British BS American German D.I.N
BS5216: 1991 UNS No. 2076/17223 (Pt 1)
NS A227: 1983 J113 A 1.0500
HS A679: 1977 J271 B 1.0600
ND A679: 1977 C 1.0200
HD J172 D 1.1211
M A228: 1983 J178 D 1.1211
BS 2803: 1980 2076/17223 (Pt 1)
093A65 A230: 1983 J351 VD 1.1250
094A65 A230: 1983 J351 VD 1.1250
095A65 A229 : 1983 J316 FD 1.1230
735A50 A231:1983, A232:1977 J132 50CrV4(H+A)
685A55 A401: 1977 J157 67SiCr5(H+A)
BS 1429: 1980
090A65 A713: 1977 G15660
070A72 A713: 1977 G10740
060A96 A713: 1977 G10950
735A50 A231:1983, A232:1977 50CrV4(K+G)
685A55 A401: 1977 67SiCr5(K+G)
BS 2056: 1991 2076/17224
302S26 A313: 1981 S30200 J230 X12CrNi177 1.4310
316S42 A313: 1981 S31600 X5CrNiMo1810 1.4401
DTD 5086-301S81 A313: 1981 S17700 J217 X7CrNiAl177 1.4568

These Comparison Charts are based on chemical composition and type analysis. Mechanical properties have not been taken into account although in many cases may be similar. The information in the charts should therefore be used for guidance only.